lessons and puzzles…

Things I’ve learned the hard way… Never use the palm of your hand to see which stove burner is hot. Never try to iron that crease on the front of your shirttail while wearing the shirt. Two words – STEAM iron. Two more words – interesting scar. People don’t change. Their behavior might change, their motivation might change, but the core remains...

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limited sight distance…

In the wild, I’d be dead. Some predator that looked to me like a friendly dog would turn out to be a hungry lion. My distance vision has been limited since I was in grade school, making life without prescription eye wear just one messy blur. But, with easy access to strong specs, I go about my business like I can actually see. At 40, I began to notice that...

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kids these days have it easy…

There’s a great Monty Python skit with four men sitting around trying to outdo one another with increasingly tall tales about how hard things were when they were young. I find these days that I have reached the age where I have begun to think, or even utter, the words “when I was your age…” The first time it crosses your mind you think you’ve become a...

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